Technology News,
Origin, History and How did Facebook Start ??
Posted by Bijay Kuikel
Published on Wednesday, June 12, 2013
A Short and Detailed
History of Facebook !

In the beginning it
all started of like features where you could place two students photos side by
side and vote for the one who is more hot or cool. Thus interesting features
like that made facebook interesting for the youth. Hence, facebook started off
spreading virally. In the starting
Zuckerberg named the website as ‘thefacebook’ when he coded it. Then slowly it started upgrading.

Initially the costs
for data storage and servers were ok then later there were few advertisements put
up to meet the cost needs. Then many company came forward to buy shares from
facebook. Companies likes Microsoft which purchased 1.6% of facebook shares for
$240 millions and also many other people also invested on it. Thus, facebook
started growing Virally all over the world. And you can see that facebook has
become like an identity for every person!J

Facebook initially
had of criticism and controversy during its short span which was mainly because
of privacy concerns, but due to its high usage by people all over the world it
has become the No. 1 Social Networking Site!
In terms of traffic
we can say that Myspace is on the top but Facebook is the one which is highly
used and in few years it gonna become the site with the highest traffic. It is
also recorded that present it has 6 Million+ Pageviews per second which is
really too high. And with such high traffic facebook earns a lot through its
Ads at present which you find on the right side banner! But, Overall facebook
has its own pros and cons and is a trend from few years! 
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